
(and a little bit of fangirling as well because why not) – (this is going to be a long one, brace yourselvesss!!)

Now, the reason I’m writing tonight is because…well, nothing in particular really. I just wanted to – again – pour my heart out. Oh yes! About a book. I’m reading this so called horror story book which is NOT a horror story book AT ALL! Regret? Not at all really. Glad I actually bought this book before the semester break. If not, I would still dying thinking “Is that book really good enough?”. And here I am now, about to write a bloody review on it. Well not a review, just a matter of perspective. I will not tell you the exact title of the book or the name of the author, you just have to go on a wild hunt yourself. 

Like I said ‘a matter of perspective’… this book actually a compilation of horror stories. Hmm… about all the stories, only some are horrific and a true horror story. others? Well, not so much. Much more to fantasy and somewhat cliché modern horror story (which is not horror AT ALL) I’m getting a pissed off here plus, the book is a little bit sexist. Nearly every story so far have the word breasts. I was like this book is somewhat a bloody joke NEARLY. EVERY. DAMN. STORY! The only thing I can do was to shake my head. Hmm. I’m ALREADY 18 for somewhat… oh yeah…the recent story I just read also contain the word ‘penis’. Then again, it’s the author’s right to write what he damn well please… I’m just OOH A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE… it’s just uhhh *sighs like Jacob* I DON’T KNOW. It just doesn’t seems right I guess. Nearly every story so far has the word breasts.


meh. If you think this book is about some land for a bunch of mosquitoes…HAHAHAHAHAH!! YOU’RE WRONG! It’s about a girl name, fuh fuh fuh Mary Iris Malone or in short Mim :) *Ahem* best gila do cerita ni! It’s about her trip to Cleveland, Ohio so that she can see her mother again. I’m not going to spill everything here…because that would be SPOILERSSSS~ best la buku. Dia macam, like you’re going on an adventure, and there’s some sort of deviation. Along the way she meets new people and know more about her step-mother… dah takat tu ja aku nak cerita. Satgi habih pulak. Buku ni lebih kurang emotional jugak la sebab ada satu page tu, aku nak keriau bila aku baca. Aku tak la keriau betui, cuma mata aku masa tu termasuk habuk. Huhuhu. Buku fast forward, straight to the point, tak dak nak sangkut-sangkut haih! Cemuih aku buku jenih sangkut-sangkut. Hahahaha!

*screams internallyyyyy...!!*** sorry i cannot control my fangirling
And like I said there will be a little bit of fangirling..hahaha!! AAAAAAAAAHHH! Aku pun tak tau weh…and then that bears the question “DID YOU EVER ONCE DEPEND ON A FICTIONAL CHARACTER???!” aku tak la selalu sangat…but now YESSSSSS!!! Hhahahhuhuhuu…huwaaa! Teruk sangat hang ni. Jacob Frye…huhuhu. He’s like indescribable.

 Oky sorry, kan aku kata fangirling. Im like… UBISOFT??!!!!!!!!! WHHYYYY!!! JACOB WHYY!!!!!!?? PAUL AMOS WHY!!??!!! Ya Allah, sora dia ni memang kena ah dgn Jacob. Sora jenih serak. Hehe I like. Tak salah kot. Bukannya wujud pun! (Jacob Frye IS the fictional character here). Aku masuk tumblr semata mata nak donlod gif dia ni ja kot. Perhhh teruk nak mampuih!

The drag of this week: ehem kemarin aku mid, okeyla, tgk SPECTRE (as usual, another Bond movie) ngn beli barang2 keperluan gitu, then aku pi la cek harga pensel warna faber-castell 48 batang tu. Terkejut beruk aku tgk RM56. Gila! Mahai sebab dia letak dalam bekas plastic lutsinar tu ja weh. Kalau boh dlm kotak kertas tu murah sikit rasanya. Bawah 50 macam tu. Aku macam bangang ah. Tapi aku tak beli la sbb mahai sangat kot. And besides, drawing aku tak siap lagi. I am currently drawing/sketching (I think) Shay Patrick Cormac. love his black, yellow, and red outfit. Hahaha! Heleh baru lukih dia punya outline jerh.. detail dia..jangan ah…intricate gila. Means halus la. Aku kan jenih lukis detail. Hah! Amek kau! Acecey. Dah KL la sangaaaattt *gaya raqib* tok eh. Mampuih aku wei.

Slightly drag: some of my roommates were watching anime the other day. Idk what anime movie they were watching but there’s definitely screaming. I mean the ‘scream’ literally passed through my earphones.. hmm but who am I to complaint if that’s their happiness. Hmm sayangnya aku punya happiness, aku tak penah ada. Pala booo… hahah! Not really. Banyak ja video. Hmm no. 1 source of my happiness, of course no other Allah and second of all tumblr. Tumblr la ni on point noooo!.

jacob and evie. haih! these two... why so cute u two??! depa kembaq naaaa...!

Emm just finished my maggi tomyam and about to finish my orange flavoured soda.
Cheers and goodnight.

post scriptum: also some dean and sam winchester's gif on my phone. mehahahaha! yes i am also a bloody supernatural fan. beware!!! 

#not my picture      #not my gifs        #kita tag cara tumblr malam ni     #tthank you naowera     #your gifs are beautiful      #forever gonna credits youu!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Nur Deanna said...

Aku dah set up dlm kepala aku dah, crita nyamuk dengan kawannya pergi pesta ada carousel bagai kahkahkah *banging my head onto the wall*